BlueSVEP is an Eclipse-based IDE for Bluespec SystemVerilog, a functional hardware description language based on a synthesizable subset of Haskell and SystemVerilog.

About this project

BlueSVEP is in an early development stage and it is not recommended for regular users.

This project was started by Tobias Zipfel and is currently maintained by Oriol Arcas. It supports the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Syntax errors detection.
  • Source code outline: modules, rules, methods, interfaces, structs...
  • Verilog compiler directives.
  • Interfacing the Bluespec Compiler and error message parsing.


This project is free software. The source code is distributed under the GPL v3 free software license. The BlueSVEP license has been modified to be compatible with the Eclipse Pubic License (more info here).

Some code has been borrowed from other projects with different licenses:

Some tools are linked with the binary package:

And finally, another software package which is only used to compile BlueSVEP. It is distributed with the sources, but it is not included in the binary version: